
chanel watches Promotional ads inviting people to call you

Promotional ads inviting people to call you, for example, for
ad rate information, and to place their ads.

Also, some of your better mail order offers. In order to give
the impression of lots of ads from lots of different people,
enlist the help of your relatives and friends--allow them to
advertise a For Sale or Trade item free. It's important that you
seemingly have ads from a lot of different people with lots of
different phone numbers and/or addresses listed.

For these classified ads, you should charge $1 per line, and
hence, the name "dollar Papers." Don't forget, your second source
of income will be garnered from people who have seen or read your
paper, and place ads of their own as result.

Once you've got separate pages--a front and a back--for your
first paper ready, simply take it to your quick-print shop and
have run off the number of copies you've promised to circulate
for your advertisers. Have him print it on yellow or orange 20
pound bond, or even recycled construction paper.

Until you really get rolling, you can hire a couple of kids to
hand out your papers to everyone as they drive into the shopping
center parking lot, drop off a stack for check-out stand
giveaways at each store or shop in the shopping center, and/or
persuade a couple of newspaper carriers to include one with each
newspaper they deliver. Another fast hand-out method is to hire a
student to give one to each bus rider as he gets off the bus at
busy "park and ride" locations.

As your shopping center papers become known, you take on sales
people to do the selling for you; when you have more space to
handle the requests for advertising space,cheap louis vuitton, contact a larger
printer who works with web presses and news-print paper. Look
around, and you'll find one who'll handle all your typesetting,
layout,louis vuitton wallets, printing and even bulk delivery to your distribution
pick-up points. Expanding to tabloid production will lower your
production costs, give you greater efficiency and result in more
profits for your business.

Where there is really tough competition, many publishers of
Shopping center Papers include stories about the shopping
center---what the land was used for before it was developed as a
shopping center---profiles on the different store owners,louis vuitton purses, where
they're from and what they did before opening their store or
shop---and news of community interest within the customer circle.
Many increase their incomes by running mail order opportunity ads
from dealers in all parts of the country.

Basically, shopping center paper is the same as a mail order ad
sheet. The big difference is that it serves as an advertising
showcase for a small circle of merchants in a specific area, and
is circulated among the people most likely to do their shopping
in that specific small circle of merchants; each circle has a
need for an advertising showcase of its own, and it will be to
your benefit to turn away advertising requests from merchants
outside that circle.

The only advertising you'll have to do is via the quality and

