
  All my life

  "All my life, till I run away five year ago. My ole folks, and eightbrudders and sisters, is down dere in de pit now; waitin' for theLord to set 'em free,cheap jeremy scott adidas wings. And He's gwine to do it soon, soon!" As sheuttered the last words, a sudden light chased the tragic shadow fromHepsey's face, and the solemn fervor of her voice thrilledChristie's heart. All her anger died out in a great pity, and sheput her hand on the woman's shoulder, saying earnestly:

  "I hope so; and I wish I could help to bring that happy day atonce!"For the first time Hepsey smiled, as she said gratefully, "De Lordbress you for dat wish, chile." Then, dropping suddenly into herold, quiet way, she added, turning to her work:

  "Now you tote up de dinner, and I'll be handy by to 'fresh your mind'bout how de dishes goes, for missis is bery 'ticular, and don'tlike no 'stakes in tendin'."Thanks to her own neat-handed ways and Hepsey's prompting throughthe slide,ladies rolex presidents, Christie got on very well; managed her salverdexterously, only upset one glass, clashed one dish-cover, andforgot to sugar the pie before putting it on the table; an omissionwhich was majestically pointed out, and graciously pardoned as afirst offence.

  By seven o'clock the ceremonial was fairly over, and Christiedropped into a chair quite tired out with frequent pacings to andfro. In the kitchen she found the table spread for one, and Hepseybusy with the boots.

  "Aren't you coming to your dinner, Mrs. Johnson?" she asked, notpleased at the arrangement.

  "When you's done, honey; dere's no hurry 'bout me. Katy liked datway best, and I'se used ter waitin'.""But I don't like that way, and I won't have it. I suppose Katythought her white skin gave her a right to be disrespectful to awoman old enough to be her mother just because she was black. Idon't; and while I'm here, there must be no difference made. If wecan work together, we can eat together; and because you have been aslave is all the more reason I should be good to you now."If Hepsey had been surprised by the new girl's protest against beingmade a boot-jack of, she was still more surprised at this suddenkindness,mens rolex datejust, for she had set Christie down in her own mind as "one obdem toppin' smart ones dat don't stay long nowheres." She changedher opinion now, and sat watching the girl with a new expression onher face, as Christie took boot and brush from her, and fell to workenergetically, saying as she scrubbed:

  "I'm ashamed of complaining about such a little thing as this, anddon't mean to feel degraded by it, though I should by letting you doit for me. I never lived out before: that's the reason I made afuss. There's a polish, for you, and I'm in a good humor again; soMr. Stuart may call for his boots whenever he likes,adidas jeremy scott wings, and we'll go todinner like fashionable people, as we are."There was something so irresistible in the girl's hearty manner,that Hepsey submitted at once with a visible satisfaction, whichgave a relish to Christie's dinner, though it was eaten at a kitchentable, with a bare-armed cook sitting opposite, and three rows ofburnished dish-covers reflecting the dreadful spectacle.

