
鎴戞槸浼犲 I Am Legend_042

came. He locked the garage door, went back to the house, and locked the front door, putting the heavy bar across it Then he made a drink and sat down on the couch across from the woman.
From the ceiling, right before her face, hung the cross. At six-thirty her eyes opened. Suddenly, like the eyes of a sleeper who has a definite job to do upon awakening; who does not move into consciousness with a vague entry, but with a single, clear-cut motion, knowing just what is to be done.
Then she saw the cross and she Jerked her eyes from it with a sudden raffling gasp and her body twisted in the chair.
"Why are you afraid of it?" he asked, startled at the sound of his own voice after so long.
Her eyes, suddenly on him, made him shudder. The way they glowed, the way her tongue licked across her red lips as if it were a separate life in her mouth. The way she flexed her body as if trying to move it closer to him. A guttural rumbling filled her throat like the sound of a dog defending its bone,fake rolex watches.
"The cross," he said nervously. "Why are you afraid of it?"
She strained against her bonds, her hands raking across the sides of the chair. No words from her, only a harsh, gasping succession of breaths. Her body writhed on the chair, her eyes burned into him.
"The cross!" he snapped angrily.
He was on his feet, the glass falling and splashing across the rug. He grabbed the string with tense fingers and swung the cross before her eyes,replica chanel bags. She flung her head away with a frightened snarl and recoiled into the chair.
"Look at it!" he yelled at her.
A sound of terror stricken whining came from her. Her eyes moved wildly around the room,replica rolex watches, great white eyes with pupils like specks of soot.
He grabbed at her shoulder, then jerked his hand heck. It was dribbling blood from raw teeth wounds.
His stomach muscles jerked in. The hand lashed out again, this time smashing her across the cheek and snapping her head to the side,imitation rolex watches.
Ten minutes later he threw her body out the front door and slammed it again in their faces.. Then he stood there a

