
  In 1477

  "In 1477," he says, in one of his letters, "in the month of February, Isailed more than a hundred leagues beyond Tile." By this he means Thule,or Iceland. "Of this island the southern part is seventy-three degrees fromthe equator, not sixty-three degrees, as some geographers pretend." But here he was wrong. The Southern part of Iceland is in the latitude of sixty-three and a half degrees. "The English, chiefly those of Bristol, carry theirmerchandise, to this island, which is as large as England. When I wasthere the sea was not frozen, but the tides there are so strong that they riseand fall twenty-six cubits."The order of his life, after his visit to Iceland, is better known. He wasno longer an adventurous sailor-boy, glad of any voyage which offered; hewas a man thirty years of age or more. He married in the city of Lisbonand settled himself there. His wife was named Philippa. She was thedaughter of an Italian gentleman named Bartolomeo Muniz de Perestrello,who was, like Columbus, a sailor, and was alive to all the new interestswhich geography then presented to all inquiring minds. This was in theyear 1477,fake jordans for sale, and the King of Portugal was pressing the expeditions which,before the end of the century, resulted in the discovery of the route to theIndies by the Cape of Good Hope.
  The young couple had to live. Neither the bride nor her husband hadany fortune, and Columbus occupied himself as a draftsman, illustratingbooks, making terrestrial globes, which must have been curiouslyinaccurate, since they had no Cape of Good Hope and no AmericanContinent, drawing charts for sale, and collecting, where he could, thematerial for such study. Such charts and maps were beginning to assumenew importance in those days of geographical discovery. The valueattached to them may be judged from the statement that Vespucius paidone hundred and thirty ducats for one map. This sum would be more thanfive hundred dollars of our time.
  Columbus did not give up his maritime enterprises. He made voyagesto the coast of Guinea and in other directions.
  It is said that he was in command of one of the vessels of his relativeColon el Mozo, when, in the Portuguese seas, this admiral,North Face Outlet, with hissquadron, engaged four Venetian galleys returning from Flanders. Abloody battle followed. The ship which Christopher Columbuscommanded was engaged with a Venetian vessel, to which it set fire.
  There was danger of an explosion,fake foamposites, and Columbus himself, seeing thisdanger, flung himself into the sea, seized a floating oar, and thus gained the shore. He was not far from Lisbon, and from this time made Lisbon hishome for many years.[*]
  [*] The critics challenge these dates, but there seems to be goodfoundation for the story.
  It seems. clear that, from the time when he arrived in Lisbon,fake foamposites for sale, formore than twenty years, he was at work trying to interest people in his"great design," of western discovery. He says himself, "I was constantlycorresponding with learned men, some ecclesiastics and some laymen,some Latin and some Greek, some Jews and some Moors." Theastronomer Toscanelli was one of these correspondents.

